Degree: Medical Surgeon
- National Autonomous University of Mexico. Average 9.57
- Graduation by modality of Professional Examination
Postgraduate University Studies
- Medical Residency in: Neurosurgery
- National Medical Center La Raza. IMSS. Average 10.0
- March 01, 1988 to February 28, 1993.
University Master´s Degree
- Master's degree in direction and management of Health Institutions from the Anahuac University
- Conclusion July 2021
licenses and certificates
- Medical Degree Neurosurgeon. Faculty of Medicine, National Autonomous University of Mexico.
- Conclusion February 28, 1993
- Professional License Number: 1387453
- Specialty License Number:11782283
- Mexican Board of Neurological Surgery; No. 324
- Certification Date: February 10, 1993
- Recertification Date: May 15, 2019
- Public and Private Health Sector Institutions
Chief of Brain Tumor Surgery at Centro Medico Nacional “La Raza”, during
the period 1993-1995, Mexican Institute of Social Security, IMSS. Full time - Positions held in institutions
- Attached doctor
1. Neurosurgeon of the STAFF of the Neurological Center, ABC Medical
Center, since 1997 - Chief of Service
1. Chief of Surgery of Brain Tumors at the National Medical Center “La
Raza”, in the period 1993-1995, Mexican Institute of Social Security,
2. Chief of Surgery of the Spine Clinic, Neurological Center, Centro
Medico ABC, since 2006 to date.
3. Member of the Morbidity and Mortality Committee of the Neurological
Center of the ABC Medical Center.
- Attached doctor
- Member of the Mexican Academy of Surgery
- Member of the World Academy of Neurological Surgery
- World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS)
- Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN)
- Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO)
- Inter-American Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI)
- Ibero-Latin American Spine Society (SILACO)
- Latin American Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SLAOT)
- North American Spine Society (NASS)
- Medical College of the ABC Medical Center, A.C.
- Colombian Association of Neurosurgery
- Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies (FLANC)
- Mexican Academy of Surgery (AMC)
- European Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
- Pas President of the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery.
- Past President of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
(FLANC). - President of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN).
- Past President of the Mexican Association of Spine Surgery (AMCICO).
- President of the Ibero Latin American Spine Society (SILACO):
- Founder and Past President of the Interamerican Society for Minimally
Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). - Honorary president of the World Federation of Minimally Invasive Spine
Surgery Society. - President Elect of the Mexican Council of Neurological Surgery A.C.
- UNESCO Ambassador for Latin America in Digital Anatomy.
- Member of the Spine Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical
Societies (WFNS)
- Recognition as a leader in Mexican Neurosurgery by the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A. C. (SMCN) 2017.
- World Leader in Minimally Invasive Spine Neurosurgery, Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery, Rio de Janeiro.
- Member of the Scientific Committee and Ambassador for Central America in the Specialty of Neurosurgery of the Ibero Latin American Spine Society (SILACO), 2017-2019.
- Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Latin American Chapter of Neurosurgery of the Spine (CLAN), Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (FLANC) 2018, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
- SLAOT Order of Merit in the Degree of Knight by the Latin American Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology Federation (SLAOT) 2015.
- Global Recognition “Prize to the Medical By Achivement for a Better Life” 2015 by the International Organization for Medical Training and Research (IOCIM).
- Global Leader in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia e Técnicas Mínimamente Invasivas Da Coluna Vertebral (COMINCO)
2014. - Professor of the European Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
(EUCMISS), since 2014. - Honorary Member of the Venezuelan Society of Neurosurgery.
- Honorary Member of the Paraguayan Society of Neurosurgery.
- Honorary Member of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery
- Honorary Member of the Dominican Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery
- Honorary Member of the Brazilian Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society
- Directive Editor and Founder of Archives of Neurosurgery Journal, since 2020
- International Editor of the Argentinean Journal of Neurosurgery, since 2020
- Editor of the Journal of Neurosurgery of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery (FLANC), Spine Chapter, since 2020 (FLANC), Spine Chapter, from 2020
- Editor of the book Love for Neurosurgery in times of Covid-19, MAPorrua Publishing House. 2020.
- Peer Reviewer of World Neurosurgery, from 2019 to date.
- Peer Reviewer of Spine from 2018 to date.
- Peer Reviewer of Scientific reports, Springer-Nature from 2020 to date.
- Peer Reviewer of Archives of Neurosurgery
- Professor for undergraduate medical interns, Universidad Anahuac, 2005-2010.
- Professor for interns and residents and specialist advisor at the Regional High Specialty Hospital “Dr. Juan Graham Casasus” from 2018 to 2020, City of Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, SSA.
- Invited Professor, University Course of Orthopedics, UNAM, ABC Medical Center (Santa FE Campus), school year 2009-2010.
- Professor of the 2nd Course for Medical Residents in postgraduate course of Spine Surgery, National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery “Manuel Velasco Suarez”, August 2011-January 2012.
- Professor of the Basic Training Course in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and Medical Center ABC (Campus Santa FE).
- Professor of the Advanced Training Course in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the ABC Medical Center (Campus Santa FE).
- Professor of the High Specialty Course in Spine Surgery of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the ABC Medical Center (Campus Santa Fe).
- Educational Workshop: Minimally Invasive Spine Techniques. Degenerative Disc Disease and DISC-FX Workshop. Latin American Center for Research and Training in Minimally Invasive Surgery (CLEMI). February 13, 2009 Bogotá, D.C., Colombia (International).
- Project Posterior X Primary User Group Dinner & Lab. Medtronic Faculty. March 15, 2013 Memphis, Tennesse, United States (International).
- Course on Spine Surgery and Minimally Invasive Thoracolumbosacral Spine Surgery. Quetzacoatl University, School of Medicine (UQI).
a. Course – Workshop, Professor. March 27-28, 2009 Irapuato,
Guanajuato, Mexico (National). - III International Advanced Intensive Course on Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery. Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI) Professor. November 21-24, 2009 Mexico City, Mexico (National).
- Pre-Congress Course “Spine Instrumentation”. LII Chilean Congress of Neurosurgery, Society of Neurosurgery of Chile.
a. Chairman of the Round Table: Dynamic Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine.
b. Interspinous Spacers, The Evidence.
c. Mini Open Pedicle Fixation.
d. Kyphoplasty Versus Vertebroplasty, The Evidence.
e. Adjacent Disc Syndrome.
f. Philosophy of Modern Spine Surgery. - First International Congress of Neurological Surgery of the Northwest Spine & Brain. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery – Northwest Chapter – Conferences:
a. Audiovisual Workshop Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. May 13-15, 2010, Sinaloa, Mexico (National). - 4th Refresher Course “Selected Topics in Neurology and Neurology”. Mexican Federation of Doctors and Experts in Forensic Sciences, A.C., Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C., Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C., Medical Society of the Hospital Angeles Lindavista Professor. May 18-21, 2010, Mexico City, Mexico (National).
- Theoretical-practical course. Aesculap Academy Foundation Mexico, A.C. Lecture: 1. Current Concepts in Spine Surgery Professor. October 28-29, 2010, Mexico City, Mexico (National).
- IV International Intensive Practical Course on Advanced Techniques of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery. Tecnológico de Monterrey, Interamerican Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). Titular Director, November 22, 2010, Monterrey, Mexico (National).
- IX International Course on Minimally Invasive Surgery and Spine Endoscopy. Mexican Society of Spine Endoscopy, A.C., Michoacan Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Professor. November 24-27, 2010, Morelia, Mexico (National).
- Theoretical-practical course. Mexican Society of Spine Endoscopy, A.C. (SOMEEC), Spine Committee of the Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Children’s Orthopedic Hospital “Dr. Germán Díaz Lombardo” Lectures: 1. Dynamic Fixation – Tubular Approaches and Minimally Invasive
Percutaneous Endoscopic Spine Surgery. Professor. September 28 to October 1, 2011, Mexico City, Mexico (National). - Traumatology and Orthopedics Course-Workshop. Secretaría de Marina – Armada de México, Dirección General Adjunta de Sanidad Naval, Hospital General Naval de Alta Especialidad, Subdirección de Enseñanza y Calidad Lectures: 1. Vertebroplasty VS Kyphoplasty Lecturer. October 18, 2011, Mexico City, Mexico (National).
- V International Intensive Practical Course on Advanced Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery Techniques. University of Guadalajara, OPD Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). Titular Director and Speaker. November 23, 2011, Guadalajara, Mexico (International).
- X International Course on Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spine Surgery. Mexican Society of Spine Endoscopy, A.C. (SOMEEC), Oaxacan College of Surgeons. Conferences: The Importance of Knowledge of Microsurgical and Radiological Anatomy in Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Lumbar Spine.
November 30 – December 3, 2011, Oaxaca, Mexico (International). - 1st Propaedeutic Spine Course for Physicians. General Hospital of Mexico, Direction of Teaching Lecture: 1. Tubular Approach in Narrow Duct 2. Speaker. July 3, 2012. Mexico City (National).
- Theoretical and Practical Course. Mexican Society of Spine Endoscopy, A.C. (SOMEEC), Spine Committee of the Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Orthopedic Hospital for Children “Dr. Germán Díaz Lombardo”
Lectures: 1. Arthrodesis with Percutaneous Boxes and Facet Screws 2. Dynamic Fixation 3. Tubular Approaches and Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical and Lumbar Surgery. Professor. September 26-29, 2012, Mexico City, Mexico (National). - VI International Intensive Practical Course on Advanced Techniques in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Soriano Institute of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (ISCMICV) with the endorsement of the Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI) and the endorsement of the
Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences (IJCF). Titular Director and Professor. November 17-21, 2012, Guadalajara, Mexico (International). - European Course Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery “Hands-on Course” 2015. Eucmissconferences: History Of Miss. Miss Tlifponente. June 15-16, 2015, Madrid, Spain (International).
- Soriano Institute of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (ISCMICV), Medical Association of Jalisco, Medical College, A. C. (AMJ), June 04-06, 2015 Guadalajara, Mexico (International).
a. Introduction to the Course and Meaning of the Word Minimally Invasive in Lumbar Spine Surgery.
b. . Microsurgical Tubular Olif Technique: Another Alternative.
c. The Indirect Decompression Phenomenon and its Importance. - Refresher Course in Neurological Surgery. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery. Lectures: 1. Lumbo Sacral Spondylolisthesis, Open, Closed, Minimally Invasive, Professor. October 6, 2015, Mexico City (National).
- Theoretical and Practical Course “Minimally Invasive Endotubular and Kirschner Nail Guided Tlif. Image Guided Transpedicular and Transfacet Screws”. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Graduate Studies Division, Continuing Education Subdivision, Soriano Institute of
Minimally Invasive Surgery. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (ISCMICV), Director of the Course and Full Professor. May 12 and 13, 2016, Mexico City, Mexico (National). - Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Course. Peruvian Association of Vertebral Surgery (ASPECIVE), Spine Committee World Federation Of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Lecturer. July 20-23, 2016, Cusco, Peru (International).
- Theoretical and Practical Course “Minimally Invasive Endotubular and Kirschner Nail Guided Tlif. Image Guided Transpedicular and Transfacet Screws”. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Graduate Studies Division, Continuing Education Branch, Soriano Institute of Minimally
Invasive Spine Surgery (ISCMICV). Course Director. Full Professor. May 12-13, 2016, Mexico City, Mexico (National). - 4th European Course Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Handson Course. Eucmiss 2016. Conferences: 1. History Of Miss. 2. Lecturer. June 8-18, 2016. Barcelona, Spain (International).
- XIII Course of Advances in Spine Surgery “Dr. Eduardo Luque Rebollar”. I National Course of the Spine Surgery Section of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN), National Institute of Rehabilitation (INR). “Luis Guillermo Ibarra Ibarra”, AMCICO Conference: 1. Complications in
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MISS), Podium. Lecturer. January 27, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico, (International). - 13th International Course “Reconstructive Spine Surgery”. Colombian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SCCOT), Aospine, Colombian Spine Society (SOCCOL), Iberolatinoamerican Spine Society (SILACO), Conference: 1. Minimally Invasive Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy, Lecturer. February 8-10, 2018, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, (International).
- 1st Regional Spine Course “Intratracheal Tumors and Vertebral Destruction”. Spine Section of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SC-SMCN), Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), Conference: 1. Complications in Spine Surgery, Coordinator, Lecturer. February 23-24, 2018,
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, (National). - II Course on Cervical Degenerative Disease – Current Events. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, Spine Section (SMCN). Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), Conference:1. Complications in Cervical Spine Surgery, Lecturer. April 27-28, 2018, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico,
(National). - III Regional Course on Spine Surgery “Lumbar Degenerative Disease, Back to the Principles…”.Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN), Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO), Conference: 1. The Future in Instrumentation and Devices in the Degenerative Spine,
Lecturer.Degenerative Spine, Lecturer. August 3-4, 2018, Tijuana, B. C., Mexico, (National). - Regional Course “Minimal Access and Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Where are we going?” – Spine Section of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SC-SMCN), Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (A.C.). (AMCICO), Conferences: 1. Historical Evolution of Minimally Invasive Surgery,
2. Present and Future of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Lecturer. August 24-25, 2018, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico, (National). - 5th Regional Course on Spine Surgery “Spinal Trauma and Fractures. Challenges and Complications” Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN) and Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), Lecture: 1. Minimally invasive fracture treatment, Lecturer. October 19-20, 2018, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, (National).
- 6th Regional Course on Spine Deformities – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN) and Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), Lecture: 1. Mitlif: The State Of The Art, Lecturer. November 29 and December 1, 2018, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, (National).
- VII Regional Course “Advances in Spine Surgery: The Challenge” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN) and Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), Conference: 1. Minimally Invasive Surgery, Indications and Scope, Lecturer. January 17-18, 2019, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico, (National).
- X Central American Congress of Neurosurgery, XX National Congress of Neurosurgery – Association of Central American Societies of Neurosurgery (ASOCAN), Panamanian Society of Neurosurgery and Neurology, Pre-Congress Course:
Minimally Invasive Approaches to Spine in Cadaveric Pieces, Lecturer. February 20-23, 2019, Panama City, Panama, (International). - VIII Regional Course “Neurosurgery in the Last Frontier” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN) and Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), Lecture: 1. Minimum Necessary Elements for the Practice of Safe
Neurosurgery, Lecturer. March 28-30, 2019, San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, (National). - VIII Regional Course “Complications in Spine Surgery” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN) and Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), March 30, 2019, Chiapas:
a. Neurosurgery.
b. Minimum Necessary Elements for the Practice of Safe Neurosurgery. - IX Regional Course “Complications in Spine Surgery” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN) and Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO), May 3-4, 2019, Puebla.
a. Complications in Spine Surgery: How big is the problem? - X Regional Course Quality and Safety of Spine Surgery, Baja California, Mexico – Spine Section of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SC-SMNC), Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO), College of Orthopedics of Ensenada. June 21-22, 2019, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico, (National).
- Title: Extradural Decompression of the Posterior Fossa through a Minimally Invasive Non Expandable Tubular Approach (Minted Technique) for the Surgical Management of Chiari Malformation I.5: Proof of Concept, Technical Note and Illustrative Case, Student: José Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Diploma of Advanced Training in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, School of Medicine, ABC Medical Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
- Title: Clinical Results of Microsurgical Resection of Primary Intratracheal Spinal Tumors with Non Expandable Tubes. Student: Manuel Eduardo Soto García, Advanced Training Diploma in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, School of Medicine, ABC Medical Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
- Title: Transforaminal Tubular Foraminotomy for Lumbar Radiculopathy – evolution of the Integrity of the Facet and Description of the Procedure. Student: Paul Trejo Huerta, Basic Training Diploma in Minimally Invasive
Spine Surgery, School of Medicine, ABC Medical Center, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).
- Research papers as first author
Soriano Sánchez, José Antonio, Salman Sharif, Francesco Costa, Jose Alberto Israel Romero Rangel, Carla Daniela Anania, and Mehmet Zileli. 2020. “Early Management
of Spinal Cord Injury: WFNS Spine Committee Recommendations.” Neurospine
17(4):759–84. - Soriano Sánchez Jose Antonio, Nettel Rueda Barbara, Romero Rangel José Alberto Israel, Alpizar Aguirre Armando, Andrade Ramos Miguel Ángel, García González Ulises, Méndez Rosito Diego, Santos-Franco Jorge Arturo, Pérez
Reyes Sara Patricia, Soto Abraham Julián, Valerio Pascua José Edgardo, Barajas Romero Marco Antonio, Díaz Juárez Eduardo, Ramírez Reyes Alma Griselda, González González María Elena, González Valdez Claudia Katiutska, Dominguez Cortinas Félix, Santiago Ramírez Noe, Herrada Pineda Tenoch, Soto García Manuel Eduardo, Nathal Vera Edgar, Melo Guzman Gustavo. Neurosurgical Praxis Guidelines during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Consensus-based on currently
available literature. Archives of Neurosurgery 1 (9), Accepted manuscript. - Jose Antonio Soriano Sanchez, Tito Arcadio Perilla Cepeda, Luis Alencar Birrium Borba, Manuel Eduardo Soto Garcia, Jose Alberto Israel Romero Rangel.
2020 Jul 29;S1878-8750(20)31499-6 - Soriano Sánchez José Antonio, Romero Rangel José Alberto Israel, Andres M Rubiano .
The Latin American Experience with the COVID-19 Pandemic. , Jun 2020. - Soriano Sanchez JA, de Zavalía M, Soto García ME, Rodríguez García M, Solís SS, Gaxiola RC, et al. Segmental T12 vertebral artery injury treated by endovascular coil placement after kyphoplasty for symptomatic spinal angioma. Case report of a minimal invasive solution for a complication of a minimally invasive spine procedure. World Neurosurg [Internet]. 2020 Jun; Available from:
- Soriano Sánchez JA, Soto García ME, Soriano Solís S, Romero Rangel JAI. Should Latin American Neurosurgical Societies Have Political Action Committees? World Neurosurg [Internet]. 2020 May;137:335–6. Available from: - Soriano Sánchez JA, Perilla Cepeda TA, Zenteno M, Campero A, Yampolsky C, Varela ML, et al. Early Report on the Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak in Neurosurgical Practice Among Members of the Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. World Neurosurg [Internet]. 2020 May; Available from:
World Neurosurg [Internet]. 2020 Feb; Available from: https:// - Soriano Sánchez JA, Soriano Solís S, Soto García ME, Antonio SSH, Aranda Torres BY, Romero Rangel JAI. Radiological diagnostic accuracy study comparing Lenke, Bridwell, BSF, and CT-HU fusion grading scales for minimally invasive lumbar interbody fusion spine surgery and its correlation to clinical outcome. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;21(July 2019):1–7.
- Soriano Sánchez JA, Soriano Solís S, Romero Rangel JAI. Role of the Checklist in Neurosurgery, a Realistic Perspective to “The Need for Surgical Safety Checklists in Neurosurgery Now and in the Future – a Systematic Review.” World Neurosurg [Internet]. 2020 Feb;134:121–2. Available from:
- Soriano Sánchez JA, Soto García ME, Soriano Solís S, Rodríguez García M, Trejo Huerta P, Sánchez Escandón O, et al. Microsurgical Resection of Intraspinal Benign Tumors Using Non-Expansile Tubular Access. World Neurosurg
[Internet]. 2020 Jan;133:e97–104. Available from: - Soriano-Sánchez JA, Quillo-Olvera J, Soriano-Solis S, Soriano-Lopez M-E, Covarrubias-Rosas C-A, Quillo-Reséndiz J, et al. Microscopy-assisted interspinous tubular approach for lumbar spinal stenosis. J Spine Surg [Internet]. 2017;3(1):64–70. Available from:
- Soriano-Sánchez JA, Quillo-Olvera J, Soriano-Solis S, Soriano-Lopez M-E, Covarrubias-Rosas C-A, Quillo-Reséndiz J, et al. A prospective clinical study comparing MI-TLIF with unilateral versus bilateral transpedicular fixation in low grade lumbar spondylolisthesis. J Spine Surg [Internet]. 2017
Mar;3(1):16–22. Available from: http:// - Soriano-Sánchez JA, Ortega-Porcayo LA, Gutiérrez-Partida CF, Ramírez-Barrios LR, Ortíz-Leyva RU, Rodríguez-García M, et al. Fluoroscopy-guided pedicle screw accuracy with a mini-open approach: A tomographic evaluation of 470 screws in 125 patients. Int J Spine Surg [Internet]. 2015;9. Available from: - Soriano-Sánchez JA, Baabor-Aqueveque M, Silva-Morales F. Philosophy and Concepts of Modern Spine Surgery. In: Acta neurochirurgica Supplement [Internet]. 2011. p. 23–31. Available from: http:// - Soriano Sánchez JA, Zambito Brondo GF. Herniated lumbar disc in preschool patient. Arch Neurocienc. 1997;2(2):138–41.
- Zileli, Mehmet, Salman Sharif, Maurizio Fornari, Premenand Ramani, Fengzeng Jian, Richard Fessler, Se-Hoon Kim, Toshihiro Takami, Nobuyuki Shimokawa, Gilbert Dechambenoit, Mahmood Qureshi, Nikolay Konovalov, Marcos Masini, Enrique Osorio-Fonseca, José António Soriano Sanchez, Abdul Hafid Bajamal, Jutty Parthiban, Ibet Marie Sih, Óscar Luis Alves, Joachim Oertel, Lukas Rasulic, Francesco Costa, Wilco C. Peul, Krishna Sharma, Mohamed Mohi Eldin, Nasiru Jinjiri Ismail, Ignatius Ngene Esene, Mohammad Hossain, Svetoslav Kalevski, Oliver N. Hausmann, Onur Yaman, Shahswar Arif, and Zarina Brady. 2020. “History of Spinal Neurosurgery and Spine Societies.” Neurospine 17(4):675–94.
- Romero Rangel, José Alberto Israel, Soto García, Manuel Eduardo, Soriano Solís, Sergio, Rangel Morales Carlos Raúl, Reyes Rodríguez Gerson, Soriano-Sánchez, José Antonio, Minimally Invasive Non-Expansile Tubular Extradural Posterior Fossa Decompression (MINTED Technique) for the management of Chiari I.5 Malformation: Historical Overview of Surgical Techniques, Technical Note, Proof of Concept, Illustrative Case and Case Series. Lesser is Better, Archives of Neurosurgery, 1(1). Accepted manuscript
- Spinal Cord Injury Recommendations, WFNS Spine Committee, Soriano Sánchez José Antonio, WFNS, 2020
- Chaurasia, Bipin, Harsh Deora, Nasser M. F. El-Ghandour, Nelson M. Oyesiku, Raushan Kumar Chaurasia, Michael Schulder, Jose Antonio Soriano Sanchez, Mario Teo, Juha Hernesniemi, Joseph Raynor Linzey, Theodore H. Schwartz, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol, Michael Lawton, Giuseppe Umana, Jorge Mura, Andre Grotenhuis, Ajit K. Sinha, Henry W. S. Schroeder, Sabareesh Natarajan, Michael E. Sughrue, Robert F. Spetzler, Katharine Drummond, Rokuya Tanikawa, Paulo Abdo do Seixo Kadri, Yoko Kato, Charles Teo, Ashish Suri, Santino Ottavio Tomasi, Peter A. Winkler, Gianluca Scalia, Nicolas Sampron, Lukas Rasulic, Paolo Cappabianca, Marco M. Fontanella, and Edward R. Laws. 2020. “In Memoriam: A Memoir for Our Fallen ‘Heroes.’” Neurosurgery 0(0):17–19.
- Lewandrowski K-U, Soriano-Sánchez JA, Zhang X, Ramírez León JF, Soriano Solis S, Rugeles Ortíz JG, et al. Regional variations in acceptance, and utilization of minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques among spine surgeons: results of a global survey. J Spine Surg [Internet]. 2020 Jan;6(S1):S260–74. Available from:
- Romero-Rangel JAI, Soriano-Solís S, Rodríguez-García M, Soto-García ME, Soriano-Solís H,
Aranda-Torres BY, Soriano-Sánchez JA. Postoperative
dysphagia rates in minimally invasive tubular approach to the anterior cervical spine. Cir Cir [Internet]. 2020 May 4;88(3):publicación. Available from: - Lewandrowski K, Soriano-Sánchez J-A, Zhang X, Ramírez León JF, Solis SS, Rugeles Ortíz JG, et al. Surgeon training and clinical implementation of spinal endoscopy in routine practice: results of a global survey. J Spine Surg [Internet]. 2020 Jan;6(S1):S237–48. Available from:
- Lewandrowski K-U, Soriano-Sánchez J-A, Zhang X, León JFR, Solis SS, Ortíz JGR, et al. Surgeon motivation, and obstacles to the implementation of minimally invasive spinal surgery techniques. J Spine Surg [Internet]. 2020 Jan;6(S1):S249–59. Available from:
- Hernandez RN, Wipplinger C, Navarro-Ramirez R, Soriano-Solis S, Kirnaz S, Hussain I, Schmidt, FA Soriano Sánchez, JA, Härtl R. Ten-Step Minimally Invasive Cervical Decompression via Unilateral Tubular Laminotomy:
Technical Note and Early Clinical Experience. Oper Neurosurg [Internet]. 2020 Jun 27;18(3):284–94. Available from: - Ortega-Porcayo LA, Leal-López A, Soriano-López ME, Gutiérrez-Partida CF, Ramírez-Barrios LR, Soriano-Solis S, Rodríguez García M, Sorianos Solís, H, Soriano Sánchez, JA. Assessment of paraspinal muscle atrophy percentage after minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion and unilateral instrumentation using a novelcontralateral intact muscle-controlled model. Asian Spine J. 2018;12(2):256–62.
- Soriano-Solís S, Quillo-Olvera J, Rodríguez-García M, Solís HAS, Soriano-Sánchez JA. Minimally invasive single-door plate laminoplasty with lateral mass screw fixation for the
unstable segment. report of two cases with long follow-up. Coluna/ Columna.2017;16(3):236–9. - Romano-Feinholz S, Soriano-Solís S, Zúñiga-Rivera JC, Gutiérrez-Partida CF, Ía MRG, Soriano-Solís HA, Soriano Sánchez, JA. Learning curve in single-level minimally invasive tlif: Experience of a neurosurgeon. Coluna/Columna. 2017;16(4):279–82.
- Quillo-Olvera J, Zúñiga-Rivera JC, Soriano-Solis S, Gutierrez-Partida CF, Soriano- Sánchez JA, Rodríguez-García M. Spinal extradural arachnoid cyst in aging spine. Spine J [Internet]. 2016;16(5):e329–30. Available from:
- Gutiérrez Partida CF, Quillo Olvera J, Soriano Solís S, Zuñiga Rivera JC, Padilla Sánchez A, Rodríguez García M, Soriano Sánchez JA. Proposal of a new learning curve for minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar transforaminal intersomatic fusion: does training really matter? Rev Mex Neuroci. 2015;17(2):42–9.
- Quillo-Olvera J, Soriano-Solis S, Ortiz-Leyva RU, Gutiérrez-Partida CF, Rodríguez-García M, Soriano-Sánchez JA. MICROSURGICAL LANDMARKS IN MINIMALLY INVASIVE
TRANSFORAMINAL LUMBAR INTERBODY FUSION. Coluna/Columna [Internet]. 2015 Dec;14(4):317–9. Available from: tion/doi/10.1590/S1808-185120151404152838 - Baabor MG, Vázquez PF, Sánchez JAS. Automated nucleotomy and nucleolysis with ozone. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2011;(108):97–101.
- Garcia Morales E, Soriano Sanchez JA. The impact of neurocysticercosis in developing countries and its relationship with the first level of care : part two. Arch en Med Fam. 2004;6(3):84–8.
- García-Morales E, Soriano-Sánchez JA. Current Criteria for the Diagnosis of Headaches. Vol. 5, Archives in Family Medicine. 2003. p. 67–71.
- Zambito Brondo GF, Kleriga Grossgerge E, Soriano Sanchez JA. Neuronavigation-guided transsphenoidal surgery. Arch Neuroscienc. 2001;6(2):84–7.
- Zambito Brondo GF, Diegomendez Ramirez J, Quintana Roldan G, Rodriguez Jiménez H, Soriano Sánchez JA, Herrera Gómez H. Sterotactic Surgery In Children. An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC.1996;41(3):98–101.
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- Zambito Brondo G, Kleriga G E, Soriano Sánchez JA. Risk of infection in ventriculostomies. An Med Asoc Med Hosp ABC. 1994;39(4):143–5
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- Soriano-solís S, Quillo-olvera J, Francisco C, Soriano-Sánchez JA. Chapter 29 Percutaneous lumbar facet augmentation in the treatment of lumbar facet arthropathy. In: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Principles and Evidence- Based Practice. 2018. p. 249–60.Padecimientos neurologicos y enfermedades cardiacas.PDF. In: Cardiología Ruesga. 2011. p. 1451–8
Bibliographic citations registered in the Sc. Index printout of the corresponding web page. Citations, Scopus
- III International Symposium. Colombian Association of Neurosurgery Conference Spine Surgery. Speaker. May 28-30, 2009, Medellin, Colombia (International).
- XX Congress of Neurological Surgery. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery A.C. (SMCN). Professor July 19-24, 2009, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico (National) Treatment of Lumbar Narrow Duct by Unilateral Laminotomy.
- Breakfast Seminar – Treatment of Vertebral Fracture Compression by Osteoporosis and New Technologies; Indications and Contraindications of Vertebral Reinforcement with Methyl Methacrylate.
- Philosophy and Concepts of Modern Surgery
- Discussant of Entry Paper.
- X National Congress Amcico 2009. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (Amcico) Professor and Assistant. September 12-15, 2009, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (National).
- “New Technologies in Spine Surgery”. Medtronic Spine Academy. Participant. September 12, 2009, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (National).
- 24th Annual Meeting. North American Spine Society (NASS). Attendee. November 10-14, 2009. San Francisco, California, USA (International).
- III Interamerican Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI) December 7-9, 2009, Santiago de Chile, Chile (International).
a. Round Table: Arthrodesis Moderator.
b. Speaker. - First International Congress of Neurological Surgery of the Northwest Spine & Brain. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery – Northwest Chapter – 1.
a. Audiovisual Workshop Minimally Invasive Surgery in Lumbar Spine. 2.
b. Spine Surgery Evidence Based Medicine.
c. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Philosophy. Definitions and Concepts Professor. Speaker. May 13-15, 2010, Sinaloa,
Mexico (National). - II Cominco – Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia e Técnicas Minimamente Invasivas Da Coluna Vertebral. conferences:
a. Concepts and Applications of Tubular Access in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Lecturer. Congressman. August 21-24, 2010, Sao Paulo, Brazil (International). - XI Amcico National Congress. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO) Lecturer. September 12-15, 2010, Acapulco, Mexico (National).
- International Symposium “Vertebral Fracture due to Osteoporosis”. Neurosurgery Society of Chile. Speaker. October 13, 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile (International).
a. Vertebral Versus Kyphoplasty. The Evidence
b. Strategies to Avoid Complications in Kyphoplasty. - VII Advisory Panel Meeting. Depuy Institute. Distinguished Advisory Panel Member. October 2-3, 2010, Raynham, MA (International).
- I Latin Congress and III Venezuelan Congress of Spine and Spinal Cord. Venezuelan Society of Neurosurgery (SVNC) Lecturer. Speaker. May 25-28, 2011, Margarita Island, Venezuela (International).
- XII Amcico National Congress. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO) XXIV Congress of the International Intradiscal Therapy Society (IITS). Lecturer. June 22-25, 2011, Cancun, Mexico (National).
- XII Mexican Congress of Neurological Surgery “Advances and Challenges in the XXI Century”. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery. Coordinator. Professor. Secretary. June 16-22, 2011 Acapulco, Mexico (National).
a. Coordinator of the Precongress Course.
b. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery.
c. Miss, Tlif Theory.
d. Miss, Tlif, Practice.
e. Viper Percutaneous Screws: Practice.
f. Concept and Applications of Tubular Access in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
g. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Philosophy, Limitations and Limitations.
h. Spine: State of the Art.
i. Minimally Invasive Surgical Treatment of Lumbar Canal Stenosis: Evidence-Based Algorithm.
j. Spine Section Meeting: Diverse Approaches in Spine Surgery. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery.
k. Utility of Technology in Spine Surgery.
l. Spine Section Meeting: Diverse Approaches to Spine Surgery. - 1st International Meeting on Advances in Minimally Invasive Surgery, XV Regional Surgical Congress.
- Invasive Surgery, XV Slaot Regional Congress, XI International Course on Shoulder and Elbow. Latin American Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SLAOT), Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology, AC. Professor. August 31 to September 03, 2011, Cancun, Q. R., Mexico
(International). - V International Intensive Practical Course on Advanced Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery Techniques. University of Guadalajara, OPD Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Interamerican Society for Minimally Invasive Spine
Surgery (SICCMI). Professor, Speaker. November 23rd, 2011. Guadalajara, Mexico (International).
a. Surgery Module: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
b. Minimally Invasive Tlif - XIV International Congress Advances in Medicine Civil Hospital 2012, Transcongress Theoretical and Practical Course on Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. University of Guadalajara, University Center of Health Sciences, Civil
Hospital of Guadalajara Professor. Instructor. Professor. February 23-25, 2012, Guadalajara, Mexico (International)
a. Philosophy and Basic Concepts of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
b. Logistics in Cadaver Lab Station No. 1, Tlif.
c. Cadaver Logistics Demo, Xlif. - 35th Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery. Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery 2012 (Clan) Lecturer. March 31 to April 5, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (International)- 1.
a. Concepts and Philosophy of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
b. Low Grade Spondylolisthesis.
c. Percutaneous Treatment of Osteoporotic Fractures. - XVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery. Spanish Society of Neurosurgery Speaker. May 09-12, 2012, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (International).
a. The Algorithm of Degenerative Canal Stenosis – Official Scientific Session X: Advances in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
b. Philosophy and Concepts and Definitions – Expert Opinion: Modern Spine Surgery. - Controversies in Lumbar Spine Pathology Treatments. Argentine Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Argentine Society of Spine Pathology, Depuytren Institute. Lecturer. May 18-19, 2012. Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires,
Argentina (International). - XIII Amcico National Congress “Controversies in Spine Surgery”. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO) Lectures: Speaker. Coordinator. Instructor. June 20-23, 2012 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. (International).
- XVII Congress of the Society of Neurological Surgery of the West, III Congress of the Society of University Neurosurgeons, A.C., Jalisco College of Neurosurgery, A.C. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery Speaker. July 18-21, 2012 Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico (International).
a. Minimally Invasive Treatment Algorithm for Lumbar Canal Stenosis. 2.
b. Minimally Invasive Tlif.
c. Minimally Invasive in C1-C2. - III World Congress Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques (III WCMISST). III Cominco Brazilian Congress Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques Speaker. August 16-18, 2012, Praia Do Forte, Bahia, Brazil (International).
a. Miss Tlif: Anatomy Of The Microsurgical Tubular Access.
b. Miss Philosophy And Concepts: Siccmi Project.
c. The Teaching Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery In Latin America.
d. Minimally Invasive Spine Fusion: The Current Concept.
e. Modern Round Table – Lumbar Ii – Debator. - LIV National Congress Dr. Rafael Ramón Carta “New Frontiers in Traumatology”. Venezuelan Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Lecturer. September 11-14, 2012, Valencia, Venezuela (International)
a. Minimally Invasive Tlif.
b. Lumbar Fixation with Minimally Invasive Surgery: Current Concept.
c. Evolution of Minimally Invasive Surgery. - Session of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. Speaker. Coordinator. September 21, 2012 Mexico City, Mexico (National).
a. Evolution of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Meaning of the word “Minimally”. The Concept of Tubular Microsurgical Access.
b. Tubular Microsurgical Treatment of Low Grade Lumbar
c. Microsurgical Tubular Accesses in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. - VII International Congress on Neurosurgery of the XXI Century and V International Congress on Selected Topics in Neurosurgery. University of Guanajuato, Leon Campus Health Sciences Division, Department of Medicine and Nutrition Professor. Speaker. November 07-10, 2012, Leon, Guanajuato,
Mexico (National).
a. Minimally Invasive Mechanical Treatment of Symptomatic Facet Disease in Young Patients.
b. Minimally Invasive Treatment Algorithm for Low Grade Lumbar Atherolisthesis.
c. Minimally Invasive Cervical Laminoplasty. - 7th International Congress “Neurosurgery of the XXI Century” and 5th International Congress “Selected Topics in Neurosurgery”. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery , A.C. Professor. November 07-10, 2012, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico (National).
a. Minimally Invasive Mechanical Treatment of Symptomatic Facet Disease in Young Patients.
b. Minimally Invasive Treatment Algorithm for Low Grade Lumbar Atherolisthesis.
c. Minimally Invasive Cervical Laminoplasty.
d. Video-breakfast Minimally Invasive Technique in the Cervical Spine: Surgical Strategy for Tumors, Trauma and Complex Spinal Pathology. - VI International Intensive Practical Course on Advanced Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery Techniques. University of Guadalajara, Opd Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde”, Interamerican Society for
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). Professor. November 17-21, 2012. Guadalajara, Mexico (International). - 1st International Conference on Neurosciences: New Neurosurgical Techniques and Navigation Systems. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, Mexican Association of Neurosciences (AMINE), Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas. Lumbar Tubular Approach: Mis Tube System Lecturer. March 22-23, 2013. Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico (International).
- II Latin American Congress, IV Venezuelan Congress and II Latin American Congress of Spine and Spinal Cord. Venezuelan Society of Neurosurgery Lecturer. May 27-31, 2013, Margarita Island, Venezuela (International).
- 32. XIV National Congress Amcico 2013. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO).
a. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion. The Current Concept.
b. Minimally Invasive Surgery Teaching in Latin America.
c. Complications in Spine Surgery, Presentation of Cases II “ABC Medical Center, Mexico City”.
d. Minimally Invasive Surgery: Extreme Lateral Access, Experience and Preliminary Results.
e. Accuracy of Image-Guided Transpedicular Screws.
f. Minimally Invasive Treatment of the Narrow Lumbar Canal. Clinical Results at 12 Months.
g. Microsurgical Tubular Accesses in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
h. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: The ABC with the Topic: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: The ABC.
i. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: The ABC’s with the Topic: Meaning of the Word “Minimally” in Spine Surgery.
j. Minimally Invasive Tlif.
k. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Transforaminal Intersomatic Transforaminal Fusion.
l. Minimally Invasive Techniques in Degenerative Lumbar Narrow Duct Minimally Invasive Surgery: Extreme Lateral Access, Experience and Results. Experience and Preliminary Results.
m. Minimally Invasive Tlif. Results Professor.
Lecturer. June 25-29, 2013, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico (International). - XXII Mexican Congress of Neurological Surgery, Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, AC. Lecturer. July 13-19, 2013. Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico (International).
a. Meaning of the word “Minimally” in Spine Surgery.
b. Tubular Microsurgical Accesses in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
c. Minimally Invasive Tlif.
d. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion. The Current Concept.
e. Minimally Invasive Surgery Teaching in Latin America.
f. Microsurgical Tubular Accesses in Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Cervical Spine.
g. Minimally Invasive Laminoplasty with Arthrodesis of Unstable Segments.
h. Minimally Invasive Surgery in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy.
i. Microsurgical Tubular Accesses in the Cervical Spine.
j. Introduction: The Current Concept of Minimally Invasive Fusion.
k. Spine Section Meeting, Spine Section Meeting I, Cervical and Thoracic Spine. - International Spine Symposium. Colombian Association of Neurosurgery. September 13-15, 2013. Seoul, Korea (International) Lecturer. 01 to 03
August 2013. Cali, Colombia (International).
a. The Concept of Indirect Decompression of the Aesthetic Lumbar Foramen
b. Minimally Invasive Tlif.
c. Extreme Lateral Trans-psoas Approach.
d. Minimally Invasive Lumbar Fusion. The Current Concept. - V Congress: Present and Future of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). Lectures: Welcome and Presentation of the Scientific Program. SICCMI Presidential Conference. Closing of the Congress. President. General Director. December 04-07, 2013. Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico (International).
- IIV Uruguayan Congress of Neurosurgery “Como Lo Hago”, Intermediate Meeting of the Society of Neurological Surgery of the Southern Cone, 2nd. Joint Meeting of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, I Meeting of Neurosurgery Residents of the Southern Cone. Uruguayan Society of Neurosurgery
a. The Concept of Indirect Decompression in Minimally Invasive Surgery and its Importance .
b. Unilateral VS Bilateral Tlif. Personal Experience.
c. The Meaning of the Words “Minimally Invasive” in Spine Surgery.
Lecturer. March 26th to 29th, 2014. Montevideo, Uruguay
(International). - World Congress Of World Federation Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Istanbul. The World Federation Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society (WFMISS). Lecturer. Moderator. April 8-13, 2014. Istanbul, Turkey (International).
- II International Congress of the Northwest Chapter “Navigating for Neurosurgical Perfection”. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery and the Northwest Chapter of the Mexican Society of Neurological Neurosurgery.
Lectures: 1. Lumbosacral Instability: Surgical Treatment Options. Lecturer. August 21-23, 2014. Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico (International). - Monthly Meeting of the Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (Amcico) Northern Chapter. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO, Trimedicals Spine Implants. Conferences: 1. Surgery with Extreme Lateral Approach: Xlif. Lecturer. August 26, 2014. Monterrey, N. L., Mexico (National).
- 3rd Bi-annual Conference Of The Spine Committee. World Federation Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), Colombian Association of Neurosurgery . Moderator. Lecturer. September 07-10, 2014. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia (International).
a. Miss Pedicle Screws Faceto Blockers: Clinical Outcomes In Patients With Chronic Lumbar Facet Joint Pain. A Prospective Cohort Study.
b. Miss Tlif: Clinical Outcomes In Patients With Unilateral VS Bilateral Transpedicular Screws. A Prospective Cohort Study. - XV AMCICO National Congress, Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO) Professor. Lecturer. September 11-15, 2014. Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chis., Mexico (International).
- VIII International Congress “Neurosurgery of the XXI Century”, VI International Congress “Selected Topics in Neurosurgery”, IV International Congress Neurosurgery Oaxaca 2014, Meeting of the Neuro-oncology Section of the
Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN). Speaker. November 05 to 09, 2014. Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico (International).
a. The Miss Learning Curve. Retrospective Study of 180 Cases.
b. the Indirect Neurological Decompression Phenomenon with the Xlif Technique. Demonstration. - XIII International Congress of Minimally Invasive and Endoscopic Spine Surgery. Mexican Society of Spine Endoscopy, A. C. (SOMEEC). Lecturer. 03-07 December 2014, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico (International).
- 31st Annual Meeting Of The Cns/Aans Section On Disorders Of The Spine And Peripheral Nerves Spine Summit 2015. Congress Of Neurological Surgeons, American Association Of Neurological Surgeons (Aans).
1. Special Course Vi – Mexican Spine Surgeon Symposium.
2. Scientific Session Vi – Quality In Spine Surgery. Course Director. Session Moderator. March 03-07, 2015. Phoenix, Arizona, E. U. (Internacional). - XVI Amcico National Congress. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMICO). Speaker. July 02-05, 2015. Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco (International).
a. Description of Anatomical References in the Microscopic Phase of the Mi-tlif. - XXIII Mexican Congress of Neurological Surgery “For Excellence in Neurological Surgery”. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A. C. Coordinator, Professor. August 01-08, 2015. Mazatlan, Sinaloa. (International)
a. Pre-Congress Course.
b. From “A” to “Z” in Minimally Invasive Tlif. Coordinator. - XXIII International Slaot Congress. Latin American Federation of Orthopedic and Traumatology Societies and Associations (SLAOT). Speaker. August 19-22, 2015. Mexico City, Mexico (International).
- 15th Interim Meeting. World Federation Of Neurosurgical Societies (Wfns). Conferencias: 1. Miss Tubular Tlif: Microsurgical Anatomy And Comparative Results For Unilateral VS Bilateral Transpedicular Fixation. Speaker.
September 08-12, 2015. Roma, Italia. (Internacional). - Spine 2015 Goa. The Annual Conference Of Neuro Spine Surgeons Association Of India (NSSA), World Federation Neurosciences Society Spine Committee (WFNS). Presenter. September 18-20, 2015. Goa, India. (Internacional).
- V Congress of the Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Coordinator. Assistant. Lecturer. September 23-25, 2015. Asuncion, Paraguay (International).
a. International Symposium on Pain. Interamerican Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI).
b. Module: Minimally Invasive Techniques (II). - VII World Congress Of Neuroendoscopy. International Federation Of Neuroendoscopy (Ifne). Conferencias: Anterior Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy. Pros And Cons Lumbar Discectomy Endoscopic Approach. Profesor. Coordinador. November 1-4, 2015. Puerto Vallarta, México. (Global)
- Global Forum´15. Society For Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SMISS). Faculty.. 05 a 07 de noviembre de 2015. Las Vegas, Nevada, Estados Unidos. (International).
- I Diplomate in Surgical Nursing. ABC Medical Center Integral Development Center. Lectures: 1. Laminectomy. Speaker. November 16, 2015. Mexico City, Mexico (National).
- International Congress Commemorating the XLV Anniversary of the Foundation of the Regional Hospital “Lic. Adolfo López Mateos” Proactive Model of Comprehensive Care and Innovative Projects in Health. Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), Regional Hospital “Lic. Adolfo López Mateos”. Innovative Project in Neurosurgery, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Speaker. November 20, 2015. Mexico City, Mexico (International).
- 5th World Congress Of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery And Techniques (Wcmisst 2016), 15th Annual Meeting Of Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society, 5th Asian Congress Of Miss (Wcmisst 2016). 1.Miss Fussion Ii For The Free Paper 07. Speaker, Moderator, May 30 – June 5, 2016. Jeju Island, South Korea (International).
- XIII Simposio Internacional de Cirugía E Tecnicas Minimamente Invasivas Da Coluna (SIMINCO), V Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia e Técnicas Minimamente Invasivas da Coluna Vertebral (COMINCO). Conference. Module 5. Dynamic Stabilization of the Coluna Dynamic Stabilization. Oblique Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (OLLIF): Our Experience In Mexico Performed July 27, 2016. Live Surgery, Amphitheater Do Hospital Sao Jose, In Sao Paulo. Speaker. July 26-30, 2016. Sao Paulo, Brazil (International).
- XXXVII Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery “Contemporary Neurosurgery: Safety and Quality”. Latin American Federation o Neurosurgery Societies (FLANC).
(FLANC). Coordinator and Professor. Video V4: Current Events in Spine Surgery: Lecturer. October 30 to November 03, 2016. Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico (International).
a. Mi-tlif: Evidence-Based Medicine and Technique Description.
b. Cadaver Workshop: - Congress “The ABC of Spine Surgery” of the ABC Medical Center in conjunction with the Neurological Center, endorsed by the Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A. C. (Amcico), the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Lecturer. March 27-30, 2017. Mexico City (International).
a. My Modified Tlif guided by Kirchner’s Nail: Anatomical References and Surgical Technique Step by Step.
b. Construction of Algorithms in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
c. Philosophy and Concepts of Modern Spine Surgery.
d. Minimally Invasive Surgery of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Step by Step. - Congress of the Southeast Chapter, 2nd International Congress of the College of Neurosurgery of Tabasco. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery. Lecturer. April 27-29, 2017. Villahermosa, Tabasco
a. Philosophy and Current Concepts of Modern Spine Surgery.
b. Minimally Invasive Cervical Spine Surgery. - College of Neurosurgery of Leon Guanajuato, Mexico A.C. Conference: 1. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. Lecturer. May 04, 2017. Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico (National).
- XXX Winter Conference. Society of Neurosurgery of Chile. Lecturer. June 16 and 17, 2017. Chillán, Chile (International).
a. Miss in Spinal Tumors.
b. Methodological Basis for Structuring Decision Making in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (Algorithms).
c. Microsurgical Tubular Accesses in Minimally Invasive Cervical and Thoracic Spine Surgery. - I Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery – Chapter. Rio de Janeiro, I Luso-Brazilian Congress. Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery Rio de Janeiro Chapter (ABNC Chapter Rj). Lecturer. July 21-22, 2017. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (International).
a. Passo a Passo Da Microcirurgia Tubular Cervical Tubular Na Mielopatia Espondilotica.
b. Arthroplasty by Cervical Tubular Microsurgery. - XXIV Mexican Congress of Neurological Surgery. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A. C. (SMCN). Recognition “Leaders in Mexican Neurosurgery”. Conferences:
a. Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
b. Autobiographical Review. Building Your Own Story in Neurosurgery: Serendipity, Methodology of Thought, Opportunities, Assertiveness and Leadership.
c. Minimally Invasive Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Arthrodesis.
d. The Importance of “Focus” and the Development of Strengths in Neurosurgery. Lecturer. August 5-12, 2017. Cancun, Q. R., Mexico. - III National Congress of Vertebral Surgery, Peruvian Association of Vertebral Surgery (Aspecive). Lecturer. September 8 and 9, 2017. Lima, Peru (International).
- VII Congress of the Interamerican Society for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). Lecturer. November 6-11, 2017. Santiago de Chile, Chile.
- IV International Neurosurgical Symposium 2018. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C., Hospital de Alta Especialidad Issste Morelia, Conference: 1. Minimally Invasive Surgery in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. Lecturer. February 16, 2018, Morelia, Michoacán, (International).
- International Congress on Advances in Medicine (CIAM XX) OPD Hospitales Civiles. Opd Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Fray Antonio Alcalde”, Nuevo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara “Dr. Juan I. Menchaca”, Lecturer. February 22-24, 2018, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, (International).
a. Complications in Spine Surgery.
b. Philosophy and Concepts of Modern Spine Surgery. - World Spine 8. World Spinal Column Society – Sociedade Portuguesa Neurocirurgia, Conferencista. April 13-18, 2018, Porto, Lisboa, Portugal, (International).
a. The Current Spectrum Of Microsurgical Tubular Approaches To The Thoracic Spine.
b. Microsurgical Tubular Decompression In Cervical Spondylothic Myelopathy: Step by Step. - 2nd National Congress “Selected Topics in Neurosurgery” – Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN), Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies (FLANC), Expert Panel, May 17-19, 2018, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico (National)
- 6th European Course Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery 2018 – EUCMISS 2018, Aospine Europe, Conferencista. June 25-26, 2018, Madrid, España, (Internacional).
- Endobarcelona – 8th World Congress For Endoscopic Surgery Of The Paranasal Sinuses, Skull Base, Brain And Spine, Speaker. July 05-08, 2018, Barcelona, Spain, (International).
a. XX Congress of the Western Society of Neurological Surgery ¨Past.Present, and Future of Mexican Neurosurgery¨- Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN), Speaker. July 11-14, 2018, Puerto Vallara, México. (Nacional)
b. Current Evidence in the Management of Pathological fractures.
c. Minimally Invasive Treatment of Spinal Neoplasms.
d. Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery.
e. Medical Complications in Spinal Surgery and Their Implications.
f. Mayo Clinic Symposium: Neurosciences and Neurosurgery Update. - VII Brain Tumor & Minimally Invasive Spine Symposium “Neurosurgery Update 2018” – Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies (FLANC), Speaker. July 19-22 , 2018, Miami, Florida, United States, (International).
- 5th Congress Of Middle East Spine Society & Interim Meeting of World Spinal Column Society -spine Congress 2019 – Middle East Spine Society (Mess), Neuro Spinal Surgeons Association (NSSA), Conferencista. April 04-06, 2019, New Delhi, India, (Internacional).
- LXIV National Congress of Orthopedics and Traumatology – Mexican College of Orthopedics and Traumatology, A.C. (CMO), “Radiation in Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery: Risks for the Surgeon, Pilot Study and Literature Review” Podium Presentation. Assembly Member. April 26-30, 2019, Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico (National)
- X Congress Of The Russian Association Of Spine Surgeons (Rass) – Association Of Neurosurgeons Of Russia (ANR), World Federation Of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), European Association Of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), North American Spine Society (NASS), Italian Neurosurgical Society (SINCH), Speaker. May 30 – June 01, 2019, Moscú, Rusia, (International).
- 7th European Course Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery – EUCMISS 2019, Conferencista. July 6-7, 2019, Madrid, Spain, (International).
- XXV Mexican and International Congress of Neurological Surgery “Science and Humanism, Innovation in Neurosurgery” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN), Speaker. July 8-12, 2019, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, Mexico (International).
a. Spine.
b. Case Commentary on Spine at the WFNS Education Committee Symposium.
c. Current Treatment of Spinal Deformities Through Minimally Invasive Techniques.
d. Paradigms of Contemporary Spinal Surgery.
e. Teaching in Spinal Surgery. - II Paraguayan Congress of Neurosurgery – Paraguayan Society of Neurosurgery (SPNC), Speaker. August 1-3, 2019, Asunción, Paraguay (International).
a. Minimally Invasive Posterior Decompression in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Different Options and Step-by-Step Approach.
b. Lumbar Canal Stenosis: Minimally Invasive Treatment Algorithm.
c. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Adult Degenerative Scoliosis. - 2019 Wfns Special World Congress (Wfns), Speaker. September 09-12, 2019, Beijing, China, (International).
- XIX Brazilian Congress on Neurosurgery Update – Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery (SBN), Speaker. September 25-28, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(International). - XXVIII International Congress of Neurology and Neurosurgery 2019 – Dominican Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Speaker. October 3, 2019, Punta Cana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (International).
a. Complications in Spinal Surgery: A Conceptual Approach for the Spine Surgeon.
b. Current Philosophy and Concepts in Modern Spinal Surgery. - XIX Peruvian Congress of Neurosurgery 2019 – Peruvian Society of Neurosurgery, Speaker. November 1-4, 2019, Lima, Peru (International).
- 7th Massin Congress, Massin Madjid Samii Society of International Neurosurgeons – Colombian Association of Neurosurgery, Speaker. November 21-23, 2019, Cartagena, Colombia (International).
- Mexican Society of Trauma Anesthesiology, A.C. (SOMAT), Speaker. December 3-5, 2019, Mexico City, Mexico (National).
- 15th International Course on Reconstructive Spinal Surgery – Colombian Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SCCOT), Ibero-Latin American Spine Society (SILACO), Speaker. February 19-23, 2020, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia (International).
- The Education and Training Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) and the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN): 1. Case Presentation and Discussion, Professor. July 23, 2020, Transmitted Live from Mexico City (International).
- Mexican Academy of Surgery – Symposium “Prevention of Adverse Events in Minimally Invasive Surgery,” Lecture: 1. Safe Practice of Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery, Speaker. August 18, 2020, Mexico City, Mexico (International).
- Virtual Congress of Neurology and Neurosurgery: 1. State of the Art, 2. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy. October 9-11, 2020, Dominican Republic (International).
- 3rd Scientific Conference: Neurological Restoration. International Center for Neurological Restoration (CIREN). March 9-13, 2009, Havana, Cuba (International).
- XX Congress of Neurological Surgery. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN). July 19-24, 2009, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico (National).
- X National AMCICO Congress 2009. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO). September 12-15, 2009, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico (National).
- Eurospine 2009. Spine Society of Europe. Congress Attendee. October 21-24, 2009, Brussels, Belgium (International).
- 24th Annual Meeting. North American Spine Society (NASS). Attendee. November 10-14, 2009, San Francisco, California, USA (International).
- III Inter-American Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Inter-American Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). December 7 to 9, 2009, Santiago de Chile, Chile (International).
- II COMINCO – Brazilian Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Techniques. Lectures: 1. Concepts and Applications of Tubular Access in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery. August 21-24, 2010, Sao Paulo, Brazil (International).
- XI National AMCICO Congress. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO). September 12-15, 2010, Acapulco, Mexico (National).
- International Symposium “Vertebral Fracture Due to Osteoporosis”. Chilean Society of Neurosurgery. October 13, 2010, Santiago de Chile, Chile (International).
- 34th Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery. Latin American Federation of Neurosurgery Societies (FLANC), Organizing Committee of the 34th CLAN 2010 Congress. October 23-28, 2010, El Salvador, El Salvador (International).
- 9th Annual Caribbean Neurosciences Symposium. University of the West Indies Mona. The Department of Surgery, Radiology, Anesthesia, and Intensive Care. January 25-30, 2011, Montego Bay, Jamaica (International).
- VIII Latin American Forum 2011. Depuy Institute. Attendee. April 1-3, 2011, Mexico City, Mexico (International).
- IV Congress of the Inter-American Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). May 11-14, 2011, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia (International).
- XII National AMCICO Congress. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO). XXIV Congress of the International Intradiscal Therapy Society (IITS). June 22-25, 2011, Cancun, Mexico (National).
- XVII Congress of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery. Spanish Society of Neurosurgery. May 9-12, 2012, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (International).
- XIII National AMCICO Congress “Controversies in Spinal Surgery”. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO). June 20-23, 2012, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (International).
- III World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques (III WCMISST). III COMINCO Brazilian Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery & Techniques. August 16-18, 2012, Praia do Forte, Bahia, Brazil (International).
- Live National Congress Dr. Rafael Ramón Carta “New Frontiers in Traumatology”. Venezuelan Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. September 11-14, 2012, Valencia, Venezuela (International).
- 7th International Congress “Neurosurgery of the 21st Century” and 5th International Congress “Selected Topics in Neurosurgery”. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. Video Breakfast: Minimally Invasive Techniques in Cervical Spine: Surgical Strategy for Tumors, Trauma, and Complex Spinal Pathology. Attendee. November 7-10, 2012, León, Guanajuato, Mexico (National).
- XXII Mexican Congress of Neurological Surgery, Pre-Congress Course: Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: The ABC. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. July 13-19, 2013, Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico (International).
- 15th World Congress of Neurosurgery. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. Attendee. September 13-15, 2013, Seoul, South Korea (International).
- V Congress: Present and Future of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Inter-American Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). December 4-7, 2013, Guanajuato, Guanajuato, México (International).
- 1st Joint Orthopaedic Neurosciences Symposium. The Jamaican Orthopaedic Association and The Caribbean Neurological Association in Conjunction with the Department of Surgery, UWI. Lectures: 1. Tubular TLIF = Microsurgical
Anatomy and Comparative Results Among Unilateral vs. Bilateral Transpedicular Stabilization. 2. “Minimally” = Keyword to Understand the MIS Concept. Speaker. January 30 to February 2, 2014, Montego Bay, Jamaica
(International). - IV Uruguayan Congress of Neurosurgery “How I Do It”, Intermediate Meeting of the Cono Sur Neurological Surgery Society, 2nd Joint Meeting of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, 1st Meeting of Cono Sur Neurosurgery Residents. Uruguayan Society of Neurosurgery (SUNC). March 26-29, 2014, Montevideo, Uruguay (International).
- Chihuahua Neurological Surgery College. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C. (SMCN). Lectures: 1. Minimally Invasive Cervical Spine Surgery. Micro-surgical Cervical Approaches. Speaker. June 7, 2014, Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico (National).
- II International Congress of the Northwest Chapter “Navigating Neuro-surgical Perfection”. Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery and the Northwest Chapter of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery. August 21-23, 2014,
Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico (International). - 31st Annual Meeting of the CNS/AANS Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves Spine Summit 2015. Congress of Neurological Surgeons, American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS). Attendee. May 2-6, 2015, Washington, D.C., USA (International).
- XXV World Health Award IOCIM 2015 “In Search of a Better Life”. International Organization for Medical Training and Research (IOCIM). May 28-30, 2015, Arequipa, Lima, Peru (International).
- XVI National AMCICO Congress. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons (AMCICO). July 2-5, 2015, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico (International).
- 15th Interim Meeting. World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS). Lectures: 1. MIS Tubular TLIF: Microsurgical Anatomy and Comparative
Results for Unilateral vs. Bilateral Transpedicular Fixation. Speaker. September 8-12, 2015, Rome, Italy (International). - Spine 2015 Goa. The Annual Conference of the Neuro Spine Surgeons Association of India (NSSA), World Federation of Neurosciences Society Spine Committee (WFNS). September 18-20, 2015, Goa, India (International).
- VI Congress of the Inter-American Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, I International Pain Symposium. Inter-American Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (SICCMI). September 23-25, 2015, Asunción, Paraguay (International).
- 5th World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques (WCMISST 2016), 15th Annual Meeting of the Korean Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Society, 5th Asian Congress of MIS (WCMISST 2016). Lectures: 1. “Making Algorithms in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery” at the
Main Topic 5 Session. 2. MIS Fusion II for the Free Paper 07. Speaker, Moderator. May 30 to June 5, 2016, Jeju Island, South Korea (International). - V Congresso Brasileiro de Cirurgia e Técnicas Minimamente Invasivas da Coluna Vertebral (COMINCO). July 26-30, 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil (International).
- XVII National AMCICO Congress 2016. Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO). September 13-17, 2016, Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico (National).
- 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery North American Spine Society. January 18-20, 2017, Chicago, USA (International).
- “The ABC of Spine Surgery” Congress by ABC Medical Center in conjunction with the Neurological Center, endorsed by the Mexican Association of Spine Surgeons, A.C. (AMCICO), the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery, A.C., and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Lectures
and Workshops:
a. Cadaver Practice: The ABC of the Spine.
b. My Modified TLIF Guided by Kirschner Wire: Anatomical References and Step-by-Step Surgical Technique.
c. Building Algorithms in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
d. Philosophy and Concepts of Modern Spine Surgery.
e. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Step-by-Step. Principal Scientific Program Director, Principal Cadaver Lab Workshop Director, Speaker. March 27-30, 2017, Mexico City, Mexico (International). - XVI Brazilian Congress, XIV Ibero-Latin American Congress, II Congress of the International Society of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, I BRICS Meeting. Brazilian Society of Spine (CBC 2017), Ibero-Latin American Society (SILACO), International Society of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine, BRICS Group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). April 18-23, 2017, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (International).
- WCMISST Paris 2017 “The Path to Innovation” Intermediate Meeting on Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques. World Congress of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Techniques 2017 (WCMISST). May 3-5, 2017, Paris, France (International).
- XXX Winter Sessions. Chilean Society of Neurosurgery. June 16-17, 2017, Chillán, Chile (International).
- Basic Life Support, BLS for Healthcare Providers Course. The American British Cowdray Medical Center, American Heart Association. January 23, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico (National). 42. World Spine 8. World Spinal Column Society – Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurosurgery. April 13-18, 2018, Porto, Lisboa, Portugal (International).
- 69th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurosurgery (DGNC), Joint Meeting of the Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (MSNS), Colombian Association of Neurosurgery (ACNCX). June 01-05, 2018, Münster, Germany (International).
- Endobarcelona – 8th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses, Skull Base, Brain and Spine. July 5-8, 2018, Barcelona, Spain (International).
- Certificate European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), Endobarcelona – 8th World Congress for Endoscopic Surgery of the Paranasal Sinuses, Skull Base, Brain and Spine. July 5-8, 2018, Barcelona, Spain (International).
- 7th Annual Meeting Walter E. Dandy Neurosurgical Society. Lecture: 1. Complications Avoidance in MIS Spine Surgery: How to Be Not Only Minimally Invasive but Also Maximal. Speaker. October 12-14, 2018, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico (International).
- IX International Congress of 21st Century Neurosurgery, 7th International Congress “Selected Topics in Neurosurgery” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN). October 20-21, 2018, San Miguel Allende, León, Guanajuato, Mexico (National).
- XXXVIII Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery 2018 (CLAN) – Latin American Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (FLANC), Bolivian Society of Neurosurgery. November 08-15, 2018, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
(International). - 10th Congress of the Russian Association of Spine Surgeons (RASS) – Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia (ANR), World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), North American Spine Society (NASS), Italian Neurosurgical Society (SINCH). May 30 to June 01, 2019, Moscow, Russia
(International). - XXV Mexican and International Congress of Neurological Surgery “Science and Humanism, Innovation in Neurosurgery” – Mexican Society of Neurological Surgery (SMCN). July 08-12, 2019, Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit,
Mexico (International). - II Paraguayan Congress of Neurosurgery – Paraguayan Society of Neurosurgery (SPNC). August 1-3, 2019, Asunción, Paraguay (International).
- 2019 WFNS Special World Congress (WFNS). September 9-12, 2019, Beijing, China (International).
- XIX Brazilian Congress on Neurosurgery Update – Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery (SBN). September 25-28, 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (International).
- XXVIII International Congress of Neurology and Neurosurgery 2019 – Dominican Society of Neurology and Neurosurgery. October 3, 2019, Punta Cana, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (International).
- World Spinal Column Society – Virtual World Spine 2020, Participant. August 29-30, 2020 (International).